Monday, December 14, 2009

South Texas Style

The Twelve Days of Christmas

We love Christmas.  The trees decorated and lined with presents, icicle lights lining all the neighborhood roofs, the smell of wood burning in the fireplace, hot steaming mugs of cocoa and parties filled with our friends and loved ones.  Chubby little faces filled with wonder and excitement at the thought of Santa and his reindeer.  But, often during this time of year we are so busy we almost forget to stop, have fun and enjoy it all.  So this year we came up with our own Wedding Planning, "Twelve Days of Christmas"............sort of a wish list to make our busy holiday season a  little cheerier and a lot merrier!  Here goes.............

 12 Bridesmaids and groomsmen who are actually on time
  11 Vendors who don't need any more payments
  10 Family members who don't mind sitting at the same table...without fighting
    9 Floral arrangements delivered ahead of schedule
    8 Hours of beautiful, warm (but not too warm) precipitation- free weather
    7 Layers of wedding cake that doesn't get dropped on the way in
    6 Feet of wedding gown train that doesn't get stepped on
    5 Minutes of sanity to take a much needed potty break
    4 Luxury seats in a Rolls Royce limo that's on time
    3 Hours of dancing and dining with family and friends
    2 Happy people totally in love

  and last but not least.......

    1 Perfectly orchestrated wedding and a lifetime of happiness!!

Merry Christmas everyone!  May God richly bless you and your families this Christmas Season.